همه ما نظرياتی درباره چيزهاى مختلف داريم مثل اينكه همه قوها سفيد هستند، شب تاريك است، اجناس ژاپنى با كيفيت هستند، زنهاى روس زيبا هستند و الخ
زمانى كه به واسطه جستجو، اتفاق يا هر روش ديگرى اطلاعات جديد بدست مى آوريم، در ما اين ميل و كشش وجود دارد كه به اطلاعاتى كه نظريات ما را تاييد مى كنند بهاى بيشترى بدهيم تا اطلاعاتى كه آنها را رد مى كنند. روانشناسان به اين پديده "تعصب تاييد" يا confirmation bias مى گويند.
نكته جالب ديگر اينست كه نظرياتى كه داريم خيلى وقتها به ما ديكته مى كنند كه چه سؤالهايى بپرسيم و دنبال چه جوابهايى بگرديم و حتى كجاها دنبال اين جوابها بگرديم. به همين طريق نظريات يا تئوريهاى ما به ما مى گويند كه چه سؤالهايى را نپرسيم و دنبال چه جوابهايى نگرديم. نكته اى كه الن گرينسپن در دفاعيه اش در "اتهام داشتن يك ايدئولوژى سياسى" مطرح كرد:
يك ايدئولوژى، چارچوبى مفهومى است، روشى كه با آن آدمها با واقعيت كنار مى آيند. هر آدمى يك ايدئولوژى دارد. بايد داشته باشد. براى وجود داشتن شما به يك ايدئولوژى نياز داريد.
و نكته آخر اينكه ما آدمها اصولا براى نتيجه گيرى بيشترين شواهد ممكن را جمع آورى نمى كنيم، بلكه براى رسيدن به ممكن ترين (محتملترين) نتيجه، كمترين شوهد ممكن را جمع مى كنيم.
اشتباه ادامه دارد...
Did you ever think that this is all a big stage where scenarios are written and played so you have actors of all kinds...to give power to ideals, values, ethics, theory, creed...will only make the player feel stronger about belonging to this stage and if given options by searching further then it will most probably throw off his/her act by the affects of constant change of moral codes. The most intelligent/intellectual/progressive minded man still lives with some MORAL CODES which goes to show that theories create ideologies as it is mandated by society. ..
ReplyDeleteNow if your aim w/ this write up was to have everyone who definitely has these codes leave themselves open to research and not give up, then what will come of the powers that be who hold the formula of controlling masses and progressing and transitioning them into docile domesticated beings??!!! Aaaaarrrgh {you just depressed me as this opens up so many cans of worms and I can go on talking all nite}, I hold "THE FIFTH" as my constitution allows and refrain from further search of hypothesis, WINE is calling:))}
btw, saying the above, I wanted to add for you to ck this out and may not have any direct connection to the whys or hows or may be in your opinion no parallel correlation however, I felt that it could be mergeable for the idea of not getting necessarily caught in the ones ideology or trend of thinking and want to get past the rules and bend a bit in order to expand horizons or rather multiply perspectives:))
ReplyDeleteck it out: